Home > Wanna save $6 per month with AT&T?

Wanna save $6 per month with AT&T?

August 29th, 2007 at 07:29 pm

When I called AT&T to cancel my land line, they offered me $6 credit each month for a year if I would keep my service. I countered with "I'm willing to pay $1 a month for phone service." CSR declined my counter-offer and my service was cancelled. So if you want $6 off each month for a year, call AT&T and treaten to cancel your phone service.

I'm glad I cancelled since they are discontinuing the Time of Day service. I'm gonna miss that lady. Who to call now when I need someone to tell me the time every 10 seconds?

2 Responses to “Wanna save $6 per month with AT&T?”

  1. fern Says:

    hmmm, not a bad deal at all. i pay about $28 a month for basic phone service. That's a 20% discount.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    I am with Fern. We pay about the same. $6 off? cool!!!

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