Home > Sorry, I can't be Angelina Jolie

Sorry, I can't be Angelina Jolie

September 18th, 2007 at 12:23 am

So I wanted to help my mother with her charity work. She does a lot of work helping under privilege kids in Vietnam by finding school supplies and sponsors to help send kids to school. School was about to start and she showed me a picture of a kid that needed a sponsor, so I said, I'll do it. All it took was $100 to send that child to school for year, so I gave my mom a Benjamin. I can see this as something I can do every year and find more children to sponsor. I'm sorry I can't be like Angelina Jolie and adopt the child and send him to some $20K a year private school with gourmet lunches, but I think my kid will be find.

2 Responses to “Sorry, I can't be Angelina Jolie”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    awww. that's sweet. i think what you did is great, and you shouldn't compare yourself to other people (especially angelina... i mean come on, when you put it in perspective, you're probably donating the same amount of money in relation to how much you earn, compared with how much she earns...) there's a thought!

  2. baselle Says:

    That's great deed and you made a big difference. No need to compare yourself against someone else in charitable deeds. The difference between no school and school is greater than school and private school; the difference between no food and food is greater than food and gourmet food!

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