Home > Where are all the $10 bills?

Where are all the $10 bills?

October 24th, 2007 at 07:10 pm

I have noticed that merchants are not carrying $10 bills in their cash drawers. Everytime I get change back, I get 2-3 $5 bills. Is there US Treasury just not printing enough of the Hamiltons. Or maybe people are hoarding them because of the new look. Minor issue, but I am starting to pay attention more to the change I get back. I can't remember the last time I was in possession of a $10 bill.

3 Responses to “Where are all the $10 bills?”

  1. T_I_N_A20 Says:

    Where I work, they mostly put 5$ because it's easier to give change back. A lot of people give 20$ or 10$ and I always need the 5$.

  2. LdyFaile Says:

    When I tend a cash drawer it almost always is stocked initially with $1s and $5s and loose change. The $10s only come from other customers spending them and it's not that big of a deal if you run out of $10s but it is if you run out of $5s or $1s. So it's probably more a case of people not having them/spending them than anything else.

  3. disneysteve Says:

    ATMs only give $20 bills so that is what most people spend when using cash, so merchants aren't as likely to receive $10 bills from customers. That may be part of it, too.

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