Home > I want my free taco!!!!!!!

I want my free taco!!!!!!!

October 31st, 2007 at 06:16 pm

So yesterday, my coworker and I took a short break to head to Taco Bell for our free taco as promised in their World Series promotion. Taco Bell promoted that they would give every in America a free taco in their was a stole base in the World Series, as there was in game 2 by Jacoby Ellsbury. Yesterday was the free taco day from 2pm-5pm. Too late for lunch and too early for dinner but makes sense they didn't want to go broke. We drove to the Taco Bell near the office at 4pm because we knew it wouldn't be crowded because they were doing some remodeling so it looks like a building in construction. Well, this week the dining room was being worked on so we had to go through the drive-thru. Fine, no problem. We also ordered some additional food items. When we get to the window, we were told 1 free taco per car. That sucks. I argued that if their dining room was opened, we could have walked in and each could have received a free taco. No budging on their part, so we just took our food and left.

Back at work, I decided to write a strongly worded complaint email to Taco Bell. I haven't done that since Delta Airlines robbed me of $10 because I couldn't book my Denver flight on their website because my name was too close to an abbreviation for a title. I had to book my flights on Expedia and pay the processing fee. They said sorry and that was it. I wonder what I will hear from Taco Bell.

3 Responses to “I want my free taco!!!!!!!”

  1. disneysteve Says:

    I'd accept no less than coupons for free tacos for however many people were in your car. Did you speak to the manager when you were there or just the server at the window?

  2. ihate2work Says:

    I had to get back to work so I didn't have time to ask to speak to the manager.

  3. baselle Says:

    They said free taco, not free taco/car. Sharpen your quill and go for it! That dining room argument is a good one, by the way. If you had each walked through the drive-in single file that would have worked, too.

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