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When bloggers points fingers

January 28th, 2008 at 06:17 pm

There was an interesting article in the

Text is Daily Breeze and Link is
Daily Breeze about a blogger that comments on the housing market in one of the riches zip codes in America. The article basically points out that the local real estate agents are not happy that this person points out some shady selling tactics used by the agents. The
Text is Manhattan Beach Confidential and Link is
Manhattan Beach Confidential is an anonymous blog but he makes some good points. Some of the listings that he discuss are range from the 'wow' to the 'WTF'? These homes are way out of my price range anyways.

If the MLB of today was like the MLB of the Black Sox days, Brian McNamee would have never had a chance to point any fingers.

Seems the agents are angry and want to start a witchhunt and find out who this person is. Remember the good old days when you had ill words against money, you existance on earth was treatened. This guy is playing with the agents' earning potential and they are not happy. 80 years ago, this guy would be dead, but now people just use the boycott and protest methods.

1 Responses to “When bloggers points fingers”

  1. baselle Says:

    Good for him telling us that the emperor has no clothes. I think real estate bloggers like him are unsung heroes here.

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